Sunday, June 10, 2012

On Reaching the Pearly Gates

I don’t believe in the god of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jesus, and Muhammad. But should it turn out that this deity exists and should it ever ask me to explain why I haven't been in a house of worship for decades, here’s what I plan to say:
Oh, I’m sorry. I was under the impression (having read the Prophets) that the truest way to honor a genuinely benevolent god (if one could exist) would be to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly” (Micah 6:8). That’s what I’ve tried to do. I had trouble taking seriously the idea that the ticket to paradise was obtained by sitting in a specially designated building one or more more times a week and laying disgustingly fawning praise written by someone else on you. At least that’s not what I’d want from people if I were in your place. Now do with me whatever you think right.


Anonymous said...

You're response is self-righteous and your logic is tortured. I don't know a whole lot about religion, but I gather from your post that you think it's good, righteous behavior to "do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly", and that you justify this belief on the fact that it's written in the Bible (otherwise why did you quote it?) OK, fine. But I also gather from your post that the Bible says you should go to church (otherwise why would God question your absense?), but that you don't like this requirement. So why the one and not the other?

But that's just your logic as you presented it, of course. What lies underneath your sarcasm is that you think going to church is stupid and pointless but that doing "doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly" are righteous causes. So why are they righteous? Just because you say so? Or maybe because you feel so? How are either of those a better justification than somebody who thinks going to church is righteous? Neither of you have any rationality behind you. I don't see how your self-righteousness is any more valid than theirs. You're both just using moral claims to feed your egos.

Sheldon Richman said...

There is a good bit of Greek philosophy to justify Micah's advice. I don't cite the Bible for proof of anything, not even that advice.

Sheldon Richman said...

I will note, however, that Micah says that justice, mercy (kindness), and humility are the "only" things required of man.

Andy said...

If you don't believe in God why do you care that some people go to church? Most people who do go to church don't believe that seat time will get you past the pearly gates.

Sheldon Richman said...

I don't care. Live and let live.