Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Hell with It!

The inventors of religion overreached. Hell is so obviously improbable that no one is really deterred from doing whatever he wants to do. Come on. Eternal fire and brimstone? Gimme a break! Less is more in a case like this. You threaten to send me to a place without, say, bacon -- and you can bet I'm gonna be good.


Anonymous said...

Hell is improbable based one what? In order to calculate the probability of an event, you have to know something about the nature of the event. So for example, I know the probability of a roll of dice because I understand the nature of a cube. So tell me, Sheldon what do you know about the nature of the afterlife that informs your calculation?

Also, who were the inventors of religion? Was it like 5 ancient old guys sitting around a campfire trying to dream up ways to scare people? Of course, they must have been some really devious, demented dudes, right? Like Doctor Evil or something. That's really the nuance you bring to all of this and justifies your snark? Somehow I'm not impressed.

Sheldon Richman said...

I was using "improbable" more colloquially. I meant that there is no chance that a "just god" would have created such a thing.