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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Flag Day

If you're not convinced that nationalism is cultish, look up the rules for the proper handling of an American flag. My favorites:

  • The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise.
  • The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.


Kevin Carson said...

Wow -- I'm wearing one flag as a diaper for those embarrassing occasions when I can't make it to the toilet in time, and using another one as a potholder. So is this bad?

Roderick T. Long said...

The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise.

What if I bought the flagpole? Isn't it merchandise? Heck, isn't the flag itself merchandise. Hence you should never fold it, lest it touch itself.

The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart

I'm not sure which is crazier -- the idea that the flag is a living thing, or, granting that arguendo, the "therefore."

Sheldon Richman said...

Wouldn't it be cruel to run a living thing up a flag pole?