Saturday, January 14, 2006

Stossel on Public Schools

I just watched my recording of John Stossel's 20/20 special on America's public schools. While I don't agree with his solution, vouchers (having the tax money follow the kids), I applaud Stossel for vividly showing how bad the government's schools are and how reactionary the bureaucrats and teachers unions are. The system is destroying the future of so many children, and all apoloigsts for it are accomplices to the crime. Innercity parents are realizing what's going on and who's at fault. They have been sold out by their self-styled champions, the crocodile-tear-shedding state socialists, because the jobs are secure and the money isn't bad. (It can take years to fire an admitted sex-offender teacher.) Besides, public schooling is a mother lode of profits for well-connected "private sector" contractors who sell the system everything from paperclips and textbooks to food and buses. Collecting the taxpayers' money is so much nicer than hustling for customers in a real marketplace. (Smash the School-Industrial Complex!) It is truly a tragedy.

(I have more on education here and here.)


Libertarian Jason said...

I taped it last night and watched it this morning... and I totally agree with you.

My girlfriend kept asking, "what so wrong with vouchers?" and "if the money follows the students, isn't that good for competition"...

I tried explaining to her the whole regulation angle... What government pays for, government controls.

It's time to separate school and state. Maybe you could write a book on that subject, Sheldon...

Oh, wait! You already did! :)

Sheldon Richman said...

Too bad Stossel didn't mention the regulatory risk, but it would have been a discordant note for sure. He wouldn't have had time to elaborate. Besides, he probably thinks the risk is worth it, as most voucher advocates do. Another problem is that Stossel has to walk on eggs at ABC. There are people there who would love to see him fired.

Sheldon Richman said...

Anthony, absolutely. He is great. I happen to know of a libertarian magazine that will have an article by Gatto in the near future.

Libertarian Jason said...

Hmm... I wonder which magazine it is that will have an article from that free man...?



Sheldon Richman said...

I'll bet the NSA knows.