Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Free Associations

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss: Greenspan out. Bernanke in. It's still central economic planning. Bah!

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She May Know Medicine, But That's It: Veteran geriatric physician Christine Cassel, author of Medicare Matters, was interviewed on Terry Gross's NPR program, "Fresh Air." Dr. Cassel was engaged in a full-court defense of Medicare, opposing any change involving the private sector, when she played what she must have thought was her ace of spades. Medicare, she said, is not just for the elderly. It's a "family program, because if there were no Medicare, we'd be paying those bills."

Pardon, Dr. Cassel, who do you think pays them now?

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The Government Keeps Us Safe. . . Really: Gene Callahan at Crash Landing has a great anecdote that goes to show that consumer protection is just another facade for the corporate state, which in fact exists to preserve the wealth of well-connected business interests through cartelizing regulations and taxes. Can you name a major business figure who is for laissez faire?

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It Could be Verse:

Oh, what a tangle they create,
When first they seek to legislate.

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