Sunday, February 13, 2022

Thought Experiment

You're about to be mugged, with a likelihood of grievous bodily harm or death. You see two buttons. One will produce a city cop to prevent the mugging. The other will abolish the state in its entirety and instantaneously.

Which do you push?


Anonymous said...

I would doubt that either button would work ... In my experience, a disinterested neighbor alarmed by the commotion of the mugging, is preferable to the buttons.

Sheldon Richman said...

Is that move kosher in a thought experiment? 🙂

Anonymous said...

I think in the moment most of us would push the button to produce the city cop to stop from being injured or killed. But it's not really a fair question for someone in that situation. If there was no state then people would form associations to protect themselves against being preyed upon by criminals. But that's not an instantaneous process. If I were not in the moment of being attacked by someone who meant to do me harm I would absolutely press the button to end the state.

Anonymous said...

I don’t think the underlying question was which option would provide for your safety more effectively in the given moment of crisis. I read it as, are you willing to sustain personal injury, loss, or even death in return for ending the state. I would like to think I’d say yes (end the state), but I’ve never been in a situation that dire.