Thursday, February 03, 2022

Include Me Out

If inclusion means including boys and men in girls-and-women-only spaces, then (as movie producer Samuel Goldwyn was to have said) include me out.


Banake said...

You think that this is bad? How about the fact that there is public money going to make women play sports? That is WAY worse than anything that you are worried about. I don't want any of my money going to sports. Much less to female sports.

Banake said...

If you want to attack someone, you should attack those women who play sports.

Banake said...

This blog is starting to lose quality. Please change this before it become completely stupid.

Banake said...

The only men that I see in female spaces are female athletes, as there is no such thing as a woman who plays sports. Please attack them.

Sheldon Richman said...

Nah, it's not worse.

Sheldon Richman said...

Banake is an obvious troll. I'll indulge him for just a bit.