Tuesday, September 18, 2012

About that Video

Perhaps if the West, and especially the United States since World War II, hadn't subjected the Arab and Muslim world to nonstop brutality -- if the US hadn't sponsored repressive dictators and monarchs -- if it hadn't enabled Israel's savage treatment of the Palestinians, the occupation of their land, and the invasion of its neighbors -- if US troops hadn't peed on Afghan corpses -- and then if Americans hadn't burned Qurans in Afghanistan -- maybe, just maybe that ridiculous anti-Muslim video would not have been noticed.


Anonymous said...

I agree 99.5% with you Sheldon.... You are a real sophont 99guspuppet

Sheldon Richman said...

Thanks, I think.

Patrick G. Kocher said...


"Sophont" aside, I couldn't agree with you more, Sheldon. I just made a similar argument on my blog.