Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I Remember Gerald Ford

Former President Gerald Ford is gone. I can think of three positive things to say about him:
  • I'm not sure he ever really wanted to be president.
  • In 2 1/2 years he vetoed 66 bills.
  • He was a pipe smoker.
When Ford took office, I did something I had never done before and haven't done since. I wrote to a president of the United States. In remarks Ford vowed to unite the country (going from memory here): "Christians, Muslims, Jews, and atheists -- if there are any atheists left after what we've been through."

I pointed out that he never would have thought to say "if there are any Jews left after what we've been through" and that atheists were as deserving of not being insulted as Jews were. I noted that there are atheists who believe in individual rights and private property.

I got a form thank-you letter.

Finally, he was the only sitting president I ever saw in person -- not that that's a big deal or anything. But there it is.

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