Thursday, March 30, 2006

The New Mercantilism

[N]ew-fashioned mercantilism also entails a lopsided trade imposed by the industrial nations on the developing world. In this case, the industrial nations get low-priced finished goods and the societies of the developing world get “our” ideas, for a price — a high price. In other words, if they want access to “our” markets, they must adopt a tough minimum patent and copyright regime; that is, they have to pay a hefty tribute to American and other western companies.
Read the rest of my op-ed "The New Mercantilism" at the site of The Future of Freedom Foundation.


Anonymous said...

Nice article. Very well said.
Though not direcly applicable to your article, have you perused the new book "The White Man's Burden" by William Easterly? Probably one of the best books on Western condescension (the left) and aggression (the right) toward the third world in some time, from a (mostly) free market perspective.


Sheldon Richman said...

I have not seen that book, but it is surely something I must read. Thanks!