Thursday, April 04, 2024

Why I Pick on Israel

People close to me ask why I criticize Israel while ignoring the other bad governments in the world. (I guess they don't count the U.S. government as bad.) I have many reasons, but here's a big one: no other government (besides the U.S. government) claims to act in my name. I object to that. (For the record, years ago I declared my exit from the disparate worldwide collection of people that Israel presumptuously claims to speak for.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I become more skeptical by the day about the bad things that our government officials and mainstream media pundits say about other governments, particularly Russia and China. Our government (and let's face it, our mainstream media is mostly acting as a mouthpiece for whatever narrative our government wants to push) has an incentive to show these governments in a bad light. It distracts the people from putting the spotlight on the rotten things our own government does, and it whips up support for whatever war our government wants to start. And a lot of the organizations that report on conditions in these countries turn out to be funded primarily by western governments. Brian Berletic does excellent research and reporting about this on his New Atlas channel.