Friday, July 06, 2018

TGIF: The Trump-Kushner Delusion on Palestine

Here's a shocker: Donald Trump and his Palestine-Israel fixers think they can buy a peaceful and permanent settlement of the 70-year conflict by getting Arab governments to pressure the Palestinians into forgetting the "politicians' talking points" -- you know, superficial things like independence from the routine abuses and indignities of colonial oppression (that's right; the same trifles Americans celebrated on Wednesday) -- and focusing instead on what really matters: money, roads, and jobs.
Read TGIF at The Libertarian Institute.

TGIF (The Goal Is Freedom) appears on Fridays. Sheldon Richman, author of America's Counter-Revolution: The Constitution Revisited, keeps the blog Free Association and is executive editor of The Libertarian Institute. He is also a senior fellow and chair of the trustees of the Center for a Stateless Society and a contributing editor at

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr.Richman for your article about the trump delusion on Palestine. Speaking as a Jew and a recovering Zionist, my only hope is that common sense and common decency will win back my people and a new Palestine is born. A single, secular, democratic republic where everyone has the same rights and responsibilities no matter what their religion is or isn't.