Monday, July 20, 2015

The Key to Almost Everything

If Americans knew that Israel faced no threat, they might focus on the Palestinians. Can't have that.


Joe Cobb said...

Is this a "one liner," Sheldon? I was looking for a short essay, but none seems to follow the headline. It is absolutely correct that the underlying premise is critical, but I think the premise needs to be argued.

I think you and I and Congress, et al., should keep in front of our eyes any factual situations, with our goal to keep peace and keep ALL of our individual freedom, including our personal atheism. Islam threatens us with death, just as all forms of socialism threatens everything we hold dear.

Some people believe Israel is threatened by Islamic beliefs about Jews quoted in the Qur'an. It is difficult to take this seriously, but THEY do and it is "the word of Allah." It is like your mother at your age 3 put a gun in your hand and commanded you to kill some neighbor kid you do not even know. I have been told - and I emphasize my own lack of information in this detail - that many young Muslims think they are going directly to a glorious life after death, since Allah told them so (at least somebody they trusted told them so; nobody makes this stuff up with such similtudiny.

So, does Israel feel threatened by this philosophy of hate? Did escapees from the Nazi government return to the Middle East and focus in 1948 on the success of the Jews in envy? Envy is a form of hate, you know, and people murder people when they are motivated by hate.

My point is that I want you to write the missing essay to discuss the premise of the statement, which of course is a true statement - given one premise. But is it an "objectively" factual premise? Mostly I worry about Tiqqya because that means Allah has even commanded persons whom I might trust to be truthful with me in pursuit of a libertarian society, to suddenly turn and betray me because I am "dhimmi" and worse, an unbeliever.

Waiting for the essay.

Sheldon Richman said...

Yes, it is a one-liner. I elaborate in my latest article, posted above. In reference to your point about Islam, you might investigate the condition of the ancient Jewish community in Tehran. Jews are not persecuted by the regime, at least not any more than other Iranians are persecuted by the government. They freely practice their religion and go about their business. That speaks volumes.

Start here:

Sheldon Richman said...

By the way, the Talmud does not speak well of gentiles.

Sheldon Richman said...

Joe, did Tom Knapp's reply to your last comment about Tiqqya make no impression?

Anonymous said...

Oh my. Did Sheldon-poo upset you?
Did he not spout the 'correct' position?

Do I agree with him? Not always ... but while Iran may not be the perfect society and Islam not the perfect religion ... does not mean that either the US or Israeli societies (including their religions) can claim to be 'better' ...

You can contact me at: rgaylor at yucca dot net

Have a nicely paranoid day ...

Sheldon Richman said...

Anon, I'm sure you know that I do not think Iran is by any stretch of the imagination a perfect society or that Islam is the perfect religion. (The Iranians I've known are cool.) I'm a market anarchist and an atheist, thank you very much. However, if I had to choose between living in Tehran and living in Riyadh, I think you know which I'd pick.