Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ayn Rand at Her Worst


Sheldon Richman said...

On this issue she had no idea what she was talking about.

JOR said...

shemsky, yeah, it was her basic attitude to all of the world's "uncivilized" natives whose property claims (whether tribal, common, or in many cases as "individualistic" as European property patterns) stood in the path of Western Civilization and Enlightenment Values.

It's an interesting contrast to her view of the civil war and Southern slave-holding, oddly enough. I guess funny-colored savages have no rights until they can be used as political rationalizations for the adventures of the US Military, which she seemed to regard as the embodiment of Reason, Justice, and Liberty for non-obvious reasons.

Technomad said...

There were times when Ayn Rand was a transcendent thinker, and times when she was a cranky old Russian woman. The cranky old Russian woman came out more and more toward the end of her life.

She also had a bad, bad habit of popping off her mouth without knowing much about what she spoke of.