Thursday, August 30, 2012
The Gig Is Up
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Israeli Troops Abuse Palestinian Children in Occupied Territories
From Philip Weiss and Annie Robbins of Mondoweiss comes the following upsetting story:
The Israeli veterans' organization Breaking the Silence released a shocking new report this morning on the abuse of Palestinian children in the occupied territories.
The report, in pdf format, is “Breaking the Silence: Children and Youth, Soldiers’ Testimonies 2005-2011. BTS also posted a series of video testimonies in which former Israeli soldiers describe the abuse of Palestinian children.
BTS is an extraordinary organization and website. In its own words:
“Breaking the Silence” is an organization of Israeli veterans who served during the Second Intifada, beginning in 2000. The organization aims to make public the everyday life routine as it exists in the Occupied Territories, a reality that remains voiceless in the media, and to serve as an alternative information conduit for the public at large about the goings-on in the State of Israel’s ‘backyard’. The organization was founded in 2004, and since then has received unique public and media standing, bearing the voice of soldiers who have previously kept silent. Since its inception, over 800 male and female soldiers have given testimony about their experiences in the military. They described the reality of military rule in the Occupied Territories for the past twelve years, as reflected by the soldiers’ point of view.
The main purpose of “Breaking the Silence” is to arouse public discussion of the moral price that Israeli society pays for a reality in which young soldiers face a civilian population and dominate it on a daily basis. Every testimony published by the organization undergoes careful research. This includes verification of the facts and crossing-checking them with other testimonies and archive materials of human rights organizations active on the ground. Our journalistic mode of operation requires the
identity of testifiers to remain confidential.
Weiss and Robbins note that this story is being reported in the UK, by the Guardian and the Independent. Can we expect coverage from the mainstream US media?
Weiss adds:
The most grotesque incidents in the report involve the oppression of entire villages and cities. Soldiers are so bored in Hebron that they provoke riots. They stop people’s movements entirely for hours on end till someone at last lashes out and then the soldiers retaliate and soon there is a full-fledged riot. The soldiers and commanders seem to regard this as a form of entertainment. Shocking.
In coming days I hope to reproduce some of the testimonies here, thanks to the permission of BTS.
Friday, August 24, 2012
U.S. Encourages Israel’s War Aims
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Stromberg on Land Grabbing
Related reading: Ross Kenyon's "Sweatshops, Bastiat, and (Potential) Misapplications of Economic Theory" at the Center for a Stateless Society.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
I Had an Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jewish Grandfather
Philip Weiss of Mondoweiss--worth reading every day!--was kind enough to post my 1989 article from the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs--also worth reading regularly!--about my anti-Zionist orthodox Jewish grandfather, Samuel Richman: "My Grandfather Sparked My Interest in Debate over Zionism."
Saturday, August 18, 2012
TGIF: Where Free-Market Economists Go Wrong
The freedom philosophy is a radical idea that looks ahead, rather than to some mythical golden era or Panglossian present. Every time we pass up an opportunity to make this point, we alienate potential allies….
Read TGIF here.
Friday, August 17, 2012
This Makes Me Sick
The boy is saying in Hebrew, “Hoo aravi, asoor lo lehiyot po.” (He’s Arab. It’s forbidden for him to be here.”)
I don't care what race I am a member of, what citizenship I hold, or what ethnic group or religion I was born into. This man is one of my people, and the boy on the horse and soldiers are not. If that be "race treason" (as David Mamet would probably think), then make the most of it.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Op-ed: Paul Ryan: Would-be Savior of the Welfare/Warfare State
Now we can see what Ryan stands for. At its most optimistic, his budget plan would merely stabilize the government’s fiscal condition at higher levels of spending without making any significant change in the welfare/warfare state.
Read it here.
Will Israel Attack Iran?
“Please exhale: Israel is not going to attack Iran” by Gary Sick
“Colin Kahl: Israel Threats To Strike Iran Not ‘Merely Bluffing,’ by Jasmin Ramsey
Let’s hope Sick is right.
Also see "Olmert: Israel has no reason to strike Iran in near future," Jerusalem Post
Bloomberg News sees Netanyahu blackmail of Obama:
If Israel is about to attack Iran (and this time the threats are backed up by distribution of gas masks and other civil defense preparations), then using the campaign season to pull in the U.S. makes tactical sense. Neither President Barack Obama nor Republican candidate Mitt Romneywould want to alienate Jewish or evangelical Christian voters and donors by failing to support Israel. But it would also damage Israel’s most important strategic partnership. Nobody likes getting blackmailed.Meanwhile, the New York Times reports that "Israel’s President Criticizes Talk of Unilateral Strike on Iran."
Saturday, August 11, 2012
The Palestine Romney Doesn’t Know
Friday, August 10, 2012
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Where's the Outrage?
Every day the Jewish State--Israel--throws non-Jewish Palestinians out of their homes to make room for Jews. When Mitt Romney says the United States and Israel "speak the same language of freedom and justice," I think he may be onto something.
Monday, August 06, 2012
The Real Day of Infamy

Today is the 67th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima, one of President Harry Truman's acts of mass murder against Japan in August 1945. The anniversary of the Nagasaki bombing is Thursday. (It has lately come to my attention that the U.S. military bombed Tokyo on Aug. 14--after destroying Hiroshima and Nagasaki and after Emperor Hirohito expressed his readiness to surrender.)
Mario Rizzo has pointed out that Americans were upset by the murder of 3,000 people on 9/11 yet seem not to be bothered that "their" government murdered hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians in a few days.
As Harry Truman once said, "I don't give 'em hell. I just drop A-bombs on their cities and they think it's hell." (Okay, he didn't really say that, but he might as well have.)
Rad Geek People's Daily has a poignant post here. Rad says: "As far as I am aware, the atomic bombing of the Hiroshima city center, which deliberately targeted a civilian center and killed over half of the people living in the city, remains the deadliest act of terrorism in the history of the world."
Finally, if you read nothing else on this subject, read Ralph Raico's article here.
[A version of this post appeared previously.]