Saturday, May 21, 2011

TGIF: End the IMF

The IMF has fostered long-term dependency, perpetual indebtedness, moral hazard, and politicization, while discrediting market reform and forestalling revolutionary liberal change.
Read the rest of TGIF: End the IMF here.


steven said...

Sorry to be off-topic, Sheldon, but do you know what's up with the Liberty & Power blog? I can no longer read any of the comments or get to many of the links they provided. It's frustrating, because Liberty & Power was one of my favorite blogs. In fact, it was right up there with Free Association.

Sheldon Richman said...

I see the comments, Steven. When did you last try?

steven said...

Just a few minutes ago. It takes me somewhere else but doesn't display the comments. It must be my old computer. Thank you for getting back with me.

Unknown said...

You can read the original article from Sheldon Richman in portuguese by accessing the link below:

Você pode ler esse artigo de Sheldon Richman em português, acessando o link abaixo