Friday, August 13, 2010

TGIF: Who's Afraid of Socialism?

It’s not obvious to me a priori that the American variant of the welfare state is superior in every respect to the European variant. One variant may indeed cushion the victims of political privilege-granting better than others. Considering who writes the rules over here, I see no grounds for thinking that we necessarily have it better than the Germans do in every possible way.

The rest of TGIF is here.


dennis said...

I differ here with you, and from what I understand, Kevin Carson. I think that while both systems are far far from ideal and are modeled to maintain and strengthen an inherently unjust power structure, my own experiences with Europeans of my acquaintance lead me to believe that our system sucks somewhat less on the whole.

Sheldon Richman said...

I don't recall saying which I think is better. It's a complicated question.

dennis said...

Touche Mr. Richman, touche.