Saturday, July 03, 2010

TGIF: Border Control Bogey

As if we weren’t already aware, the current occupant of the White House yesterday proved himself every bit the social engineer his predecessors were. Health insurance, energy, the financial industry, education, nation building – in each area and more the head of the executive branch, Barack Obama, has embraced the dominant bipartisan doctrine which proclaims that government planners know best and mere people — interacting according to the principles of consent, cooperation, and competition — know nothing. What would we do without our “leaders”?

And so it comes as no surprise that we see the same doctrine applied to nullify the right of people to move freely – that is, immigration.
The rest of TGIF is here.


MarkZ said...

I'm disappointed with all the racist and xenophobic undertones in the comments section. I would have thought freeman readers were above that nonsense.

Anonymous said...

I fail to see the racist undertone in the comment posted on border control bogey. But that seems to be the first comment made by the left when someone expresses discontent or objection to Washington policies and practices. The definition of racism is the belief that your race is superior over another race. Without knowing the color or nationality of this particular blogger, how can you maintain the comments were made out of a feeling of superiority towards that person's race or ethnicity?