Friday, December 04, 2009

Op-ed: Kill the Insurance Mandate

Everyone who believes he lives in a free country should be asking himself, By what authority do the Congress and the president force me to buy insurance?
My latest FFF op-ed is here.


Joe said...

Sheldon, you're misunderstanding. It's not a mandate. Weren't you aware that Harry Reid says paying the income tax is voluntary ( It stands to reason that if paying tax is voluntary, then getting and paying for health insurance will also be voluntary.

TD said...

Great column.

You're right: It's ominous that this essential question is largely ignored. It's THE essential question, as far as I'm concerned. Not only do few people discuss this basic premise, I suspect you'd have a hard time getting most modern Americans to understand it on even the most fundamental level.

It's stuff like this that (painfully) reminds me just how far America has slipped off its founding bearings.