Friday, May 15, 2009

Murder in Afghanistan

Read eyewitness accounts of U.S. airstrikes in Granai, Afghanistan, last week. Imagine yourself in that village. This is what the U.S. government does in our name. Who isn't sickened by what's going on? What now, Obama? He withholds torture pictures for fear of inflaming anti-American sentiment, yet he does this. (See Glenn Greenwald.) Whom does this protect? How long will the "progressives" stick with him?

I'm sure we can count on some "libertarians" and Objectivists to say, "But the Taliban fight among the civilian population. They use human shields. They are responsible for the deaths of innocents."

Or maybe they can no longer say those things without embarrassment. Let's hope so.


Greg said...

They will stick with him far longer than you imagine. Just like the "conservatives" stuck with Bush far after it was clear that he was not a conservative.

Mark Tele said...

Sheldon, you are absolutely right: indeed, who wouldn't be sickened by what's going on?

Sheldon Richman said...

JOR, you're right. Unfortunately, there are people who are not only not sickened, but overjoyed!