Friday, September 05, 2008

Some Maverick

John McCain and his supporters portray him as the quintessential maverick. What was his paradigmatic act of maverickism? It was McCain-Feingold, which enacted draconian restrictions on political speech before elections. At the time, the bill was harshly opposed -- even by many Republicans -- as an "incumbent-protection act." In the floor debate on the bill, supporters complained about negative advertising by interest groups, which usually target incumbents.

This is how a maverick behaves? Memories are short in politics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Memories are actually (willfully I believe) shorter in the the majority of people who prefer to accept what they are told instead of thinking about what happened..... and will dutifully go to the voting booth and cast their vote because they believe it is their duty.

-- a depressing state of affairs is it not?