Sunday, August 17, 2008

Who the Hell Is That?

"These regions are a part of Georgia,” Bush said of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, "and the international community has repeatedly made clear that they will remain so. There's no room for debate on this matter."

What could be more arrogant? Who the hell is this "international community" and why should it have any say in who governs the Ossetians and Abkhazians?

When will people stop putting up with this crap from "their" misleaders and public self-servants?

(Worth reading: Michael Dobbs's "'We Are All Georgians'? Not So Fast.")


Sheldon Richman said...

Sorry to have to delete a comment that was posted yesterday. Open discussion and rebuttal of other positions are welcome, but there will be no feuding or name-calling carried on here.

The deleted comment, by Stephan Kinsella, referred to a post by Tom Palmer ( in which he allegedly (I have not read it) unfairly accused some commentators of defending the Russian invasion of Georgia.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Sheldon,

I wondered why TomDiL had so much trouble finding that picture. It was easy to find.

And, although it happens rarely, Palmer is right about one thing. Mart Laar is in that photo. I think Laar is definitely a good man, although he probably does have quite a bit of Russophobia. I'll cut him slack on that since he does come from a nation that has certainly been victimized by Russia.

Russia is still not an angel. Neither is Georgia.

This whole thing also seems to be the final deathknell of the Objectivist movement. Already the likes of Tracinski and Bidinotto are beating the drums for war again, even though they probably know almost nothing about it.