Sunday, June 01, 2008

Clinton Tries to Change the Rules

Hillary Clinton thinks that, contrary to the agreed-on rules, whoever gets the most primary votes -- rather than the most delegates -- should win the presidential nomination. That's a little like claiming -- after the fact -- that the winner of the World Series is the team not that won four games, but that scored the most runs.


Anonymous said...

Since Obama wasn't even on the ballot in Michigan there is no way to know how many votes he would have gotten, even if they held a new election now. And nobody can know how many democrats voted in the republican primary because of Obama not being on the ballot. This is ridiculous. This is politics.

Joe said...

"This is ridiculous. This is politics."

No need to be redundant.

Anonymous said...

That's how I meant it, Joe.

Anonymous said...

Rules are so 20th century, anyway. I'm sure we'll come up with a better social adhesive soon enough.

Why does John McCain like sand so much?