Saturday, March 01, 2008

Me on TV in Denver

I was in Denver last week and taped an interview on local TV with Jon Caldera, president of the Independence Institute. You can see it here.

Sheldon Richman on Independent Thinking

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Anonymous said...

You were great, Sheldon, but Caldara is a poor host and interviewer: he talks too much and interrupts too much.

Anonymous said...

Nice piece. I have personal experience with regard to minimum wage. A storeowner friend of mine in a poor neighborhood wanted to hire a young person of a welfare family to work in his store to take care of deposit bottles and could not afford to pay minimum wage. This occurred about twenty years ago, since then bottle recycling has become a taxpayer-funded project for many local governments. We lose twice.

hatchcar said...

Yes, I agree the interviewer interrupted to many times, but he did a great job as a devil's advocate. He asked the questions we all need to be prepared for when confronting people who have very little economic knowledge. Great job Sheldon!!

Sheldon Richman said...

The amazing thing about this video is that I was sick as hell at time. I can't believe I got through it.

Mupetblast said...

I agree with hatchcar. I thought the host did a rather good job. Critics will say that the host will obviously play "softball" because he's at a sympathetic institution. The devil's advocate thing was a good idea, even a somewhat belligerent d.a.


Sheldon Richman said...

I liked the devil's-advocate parts. Caldara is a good guy.

Todd Andrew Barnett said...


I thought you should know that you have done a marvelous job in the interview. Caldara did do nicely as a playing-devil's-advocate host, but I admit he did interrupt quite a few times and that was somewhat unnerving.

Other than that, you did great as far as I'm concerned.

I thought you should know that I YouTubed your interview in 3 parts:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

I even blogged about it on my blog Let Liberty Ring (you're on my BlogRoll as a matter of fact):

I thought you should know, and I hope it's ok with you that I YouTubed it as well. :)

Sheldon Richman said...

Thanks, Todd.

Todd Andrew Barnett said...

No problem, Sheldon. Anytime. :)