Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Constitution or Liberty

If the foundation of our case for liberty is nothing more than the Constitution -- rather than natural-law justice -- we will continue to be trumped by our opponents. After all, the Constitution was in effect all during the time the national government expanded and liberty shrank. As Lysander Spooner wrote, the Constitution "has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it." Liberty's champions have to come to terms with that logic.
The rest of the newest TGIF, "The Constitution or Liberty," is at the Foundation for Economic Foundation website.


Anonymous said...

The constitution was a compomise, no doubt, between some who wanted a far stronger government and others who were wary of such a government. Nevertheless, as the Ron Paul campaign shows, the constitution is a great political stick to use, at least with the masses. And it may be the ONLY perceived common ground we have to rally others to our cause. Whether his position carries any weight in the academic world, I have no idea.

Sheldon Richman said...

Anon: The Constitution is just as easily used by the advocates of big government. No one ever says, "Ignore the Constitution." He or she claims the Constitution for support. Weak arguments get us nowhere. Why shouldn't the masses believe that the "general welfare" includes assistance in getting health insurance?

Anonymous said...

"No one ever says, "Ignore the Constitution." He or she claims the Constitution for support.

Just as no Christian ever says, "Ignore the Bible." The Bible is used for support.

Politics = Religion

Atheists and Anarchists Untie!

Anonymous said...

People (laymen and intellectuals) can always rationalize what they want to believe, but those who are concerned with what is going on in this country and are open-minded are taking Ron Paul's message to heart. Consider this post from the LRC Blog in response to remarks made by Jonah Goldberg and Tucker Carlson about supporters who allegedly do not support or appreciate many of Paul's positions:

December 11, 2007
Ron Paul Democrats and the Constitution
Posted by Lew Rockwell at December 11, 2007 08:58 PM

Writes Luis Almeida: "I wanted to share my thoughts on Jonah Goldberg's article in the National Review. I think Goldberg highly underestimates 'the left's' support of Dr. Paul.

"Mr. Goldberg implies that the left is supporting Ron Paul merely because his anti-war positions are convenient. He is mistaken. Ron Paul Democrats have come to a crystal clear understanding that the Constitution must be defended at all costs. We now truly understand that the Constitution grants and protects our Civil Liberties. Ron Paul has made us into defenders of the Constitution. Even at the cost of changing our view on roe v. wade or the right to bear arms.

"Ron Paul is the first conservative that rings true to a whole generation of 'liberals'. He has dug up and shown us the root problem with America. What ails us is a blatant disregard for the Constitution. We can see that now. Sure, there are probably "liberal" Ron Paul supporters that are uncomfortable with a person's right to bear arms, but that Ron Paul supporter now understands that the right to bear arms is protected by the Constitution. We understand that to erode that right is to erode the very document that grants us all our rights. We are now prepared to accept the responsibility of having to amend the constitution in order to change what we don't like. At least Mr. Goldberg does not accuse us of being stupid, as Tucker Carlson recently did when he stated Dr. Paul's support from the left is based on ignorance. We are neither ignorant nor looking for a candidate of convenience. We have digested Dr. Paul's positions. We've adopted them and we are now staunch defenders of the Constitution.

"It is also very comforting to see Mr. Goldberg move on and defend war and deny the American empire. It reminds us Democrats of how sickened we were by people we thought were 'republicans'. It reminds us that there are people still inside the bubble that are willing to argue that our Civil Liberties have not been eroded. People that are willing to bring up the Corn Laws of 1846 and forget to mention the Military Commissions Act of 2006. This nonsenses girds the loins of every revolutionary."

Charles Johnson (Rad Geek) said...

Sheldon: The Constitution is just as easily used by the advocates of big government. No one ever says, "Ignore the Constitution."

Well, I do. And now you can too, for just $17.99.

Unknown said...

J'ai découvert une prêteuse particulière qui m'a fais ce prêt de 56.000 €.
si vous aviez besoin d'un prêt veuillez la contacter.

Bonjour moi on m'appelle ROUSIE David Antonin je vie en Lacuisine
en Belgique âgée de 49 ans, J'exerce comme fonction: Déléguée Médicale je suis tomber sur un Raphaël APELBAUM qui voulait me octroyer un prêt mais il me demande des frais je lii et répondu non il ma dit qui prenne les frais de charge il me demandez de payer 782 euros .
Je vous propose de lire ou de devinez ce qui se passe dans ma tête quand je vois ses frais .
surtout en ce période de confinement ou c'est la galère au niveau pécune ????
Je suis à la retraite et j'ai une pension de 1006euros , faite le calcul et dites moi combien il va me rester si je lui donne 792 euros , j'ai une femme ,un loyer , une voiture des frais mensuels
Pouvez -vous vivre avec 214 euros ,parce que je pense que ce ne sont pas les seuls frais ,il y en aura après .
j'ai doute et surtout quand j'ai recu un appel d'une personne avec un fort accent africain me demandant de faire tous de suite le mandat.
Je ne vais relever toutes les inepties de ce message, les innombrables fautes d'orthographe qu'un médecin, même à la retraite, ne ferait pas, et toutes les incohérences qui prouvent que l'on est en présence d'une arnaque.
Inutile de dire aussi que l'adresse semble fausse, et les recherches pour trouver cette personne ont été vaines.
Le principe de l'arnaque est simple : mener la victime jusqu'à l'accord de l'obtention de son prêt, et lui demander de payer des frais de déblocage qu'elle devra envoyer au Bénin par Western Union, car la charmante dame à la retraite est partie entre temps en vacances en Afrique...
Souhaitons que ces informations évitent à certains de se faire arnaquer par cet escroc

le jeudi passé ma belle soeur m'appel qu'elle a reçu un prêt chez une Prêteuse qu'elle voulait acheter une terrain donc elle a reçu son prêt et elle m'a proposé Madame Samya GUENFOUDI une prêteurs particulier.
C'est ainsi que son mail :
J'ai décidé d'aller vers lui j'ai pris note du mail dans la soiré j'ai fait ma demande je lui est exposée mon cas j'ai confiance en elle parce que tant que ma belle soeur a reçu son prêt moi aussi j'aurais mon prêt.

Et évidemment j'ai reçu mon prêt.

C’est avec Mme Samya GUENFOUDI que la vie nous sourit à nouveau ma femme adorée et moi ,c’est une dame de cœur simple et fiable ,je vous en prie de prendre contact avec Mme Samya GUENFOUDI a son adresse mail qui est :

Grâce a ma belle soeur , aujourd'hui j'ai reçu mon prêt.

MERCI Merci ma belle soeur.