Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Should the State License People?

Democratic presidential candidates are tripping over the driver’s-licenses-for-illegal-aliens issue like a bunch of old slapstick vaudevillians. What’s so comical about their antics is that the issue demonstrates that politicians are locked into bad assumptions from top to bottom. Start with driver’s licenses. In one debate Sen. Chris Dodd said driving “is a privilege not a right.” That’s a common belief. But it’s incoherent.
The rest of this week's op-ed, "Should the State License People?," is at The Future of Freedom Foundation website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The entertaining 1988 film Parenthood had Keanu Reeves' character posing the philosophical question, "You need a license to drive, heck you even need a license to fish ... but they'll let any a$$hole be a father."

I have long wondered why the State does not license parents. Great Britain is moving in that direction with a very aggressive Child Protective Services department, and of course the U.S. has its own slightly less-obtrusive version.

Just something else to look forward to, I guess.