Saturday, September 09, 2006

One I Missed

As usual, Jesse Walker has an excellent column at, this one about the tenth anniversary of "welfare reform": "The Amazing Colossal Poorhouse." Here's a sample:
Ten years ago today, President Bill Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act, known more colloquially as welfare reform. The president had promised to end "welfare as we know it," and by signing the bill he did exactly that: In 2006 the welfare state is larger than ever before, but the way Americans think and talk about it has been radically changed. As a function of the government, welfare is thriving. As a culture war issue, it's practically dead....

[F]ew government programs have been created out of sheer munificence. The growth of the welfare apparatus has been linked much more closely to two baser impulses: buying the beneficiaries' support, and keeping the beneficiaries in line.
Hat tip: Kevin Carson.

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