Sunday, June 18, 2006

Shameless Plug

John Stossel was interviewed in the Christian Science Monitor on Friday. Asked what he reads, he said, in part:
I certainly am reading Reason, Forbes, National Review, The New Republic, and The American Prospect. I read The Freeman [published by The Foundation for Economic Education]. I particularly like the writing of Sheldon Richman, who's the editor, and Walter Williams, who is always terrific.
The full interview is here.


Einzige said...

Stossel has good taste.

Sheldon Richman said...

Thank you, Einzige.

Anonymous said...

How cool. Must feel nice. By the way, I saw your brief plug of Kevin Carson in the new Liberty. Nice to see him mentioned in print.


Sheldon Richman said...

Thanks. I want as many libertarians as possible to read Kevin's book.

Kevin Carson said...

Thanks again for the plug, Sheldon.

And it's nice that Stossel's finally said something I can agree with.