Friday, April 07, 2006

JLS and Kevin Carson

I enthusiastically recommend the latest issue of the Journal of Libertarian Studies, which contains a symposium on Kevin Carson's excellent book, Studies in Mutualist Political Economy. The papers therein were written by Roderick Long, Walter Block, Robert Murphy, and George Reisman, with a rejoinder by Carson. As a bonus the issue reprints Murray Rothbard's old critique of the economics of Lysander Spooner and Benjamin Tucker.

Read Carson's important book, then read the JLS. Together they are virtually required reading for the deepest possible understanding of libertarianism and its place on the political-economic landscape.


Nick Manley said...

I've read parts of it online/from a printout but just ordered a bound copy.

Hope to really take it slow and absorb Kevin's arguments.

Kevin Carson said...

Thanks for the plug, Sheldon.

Sheldon Richman said...

Kevin, it's the least I can do. I've learned much from your work.