Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The CIA Wouldn't Lie!

I find it hilarious that the right-wing of the War Party is so up in arms over the suggestion that the CIA might lie to a member of Congress. Seriously, does this even need a comment? (Not that Nancy Pelosi can't be lying this round.)


Kevin Carson said...

It's almost as funny as Hannity's outrage that someone would accuse "the Commander-in-Chief" of lying "in wartime."

Sheldon Richman said...

Kevin, exactly right. These guys are too much. Did you hear the tone in Gingrich's voice when he denounced Pelosi? Hilarious!

Niccolo said...

It's all just political grand standing. Newt Gingrich knows as well as anyone, as the former speaker, everybody in politics lies, including their precious generals and covert operations - though it is funny to suggest that COVERT operations wouldn't lie...

Kevin Carson said...

I'd forgotten about it until Niccolo mentioned generals, but how about the manufactured outrage over MoveOn's "General Betray Us" ads?

melvinmaplewood said...

Wouldn't it be in the best interests of the CIA to inform congress about anything shady they do? Including congress gives them cover.

Kevin Carson said...

I think the CIA's public statements in general are like as not to be lies--but in this case it's pretty weird that Pelosi waited until now, over a year after the story that she'd been briefed on waterboarding appeared in the press--to make her denial. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she were lying to cover her posterior. Going along with the Bushies on torture would have been all too typical for a Democrat, given their mindset in 2002.

I recall the weeks of waving flags after 9-11, and statements by Tom Daschile and his ilk that "there's no daylight" between them and Bush (or Dan Rather's "tell me where to line up, Mr. President"), and I felt like I was living in a giant insane asylum. When we really needed an opposition party to be skeptical and slow things down, the Democrats turned their bellies up like whipped dogs. All the revisionist history in the world won't absolve them of that.

Sheldon Richman said...

Hard as it is, I lean toward the CIA on this one.