Sunday, February 17, 2008


I don’t usually come to the defense of conservatives, but I am perplexed that they are being attacked because they don’t support John McCain’s presidential bid. Self-anointed Voices of Responsibility are chiding conservative spokesmen and spokeswomen for criticizing McCain on several counts and for going as far as promising to vote for Hillary Clinton if she’s the alternative to the Arizona senator.

Would these conservatives really promote a Democratic victory in November in order to initiate a reform of the Republican Party, the allegedly more mature McCain supporters want to know.

Well, why not? Shouldn’t principle count for something?

The rest of my latest op-ed, "GOP, R.I.P?" is at The Future of Freedom Foundation website.

1 comment:

Chris Baker said...

McCain also has an F rating from Gun Owners of America. That's all I need to know.