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Friday, January 13, 2012

Regarding Private-Equity Operations

Why didn’t Danny DeVito win an Oscar for this excellent movie?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Extreme conservative Economist need not read my comments:

Who's the villain ? The Owner of the company who makes and sells horse whips, or the mean evil guy who specializes in maximizing profits from Liquidations ?

The answer depends on your political values (or your amount of stupidity). A Lefty might oppose Liquidations. The Socialist specializes in exploiting capitalism via the govt (our worst enemy).

Should we listen to the CEO of Enron ? Their Auditors ? Would you buy the common stock of a company that makes incandescent light bulbs ? Is Wall Street destroying Amerika, or Wall Street's enemies ? Should the NewYork Stock Exchange sell common stock for Solyndra, or should the govt give money to Solyndra ? And who should decide ?

I thought the socialism experiment happened during the 20's and 30's and ended when Hitler committed suicide ?

Tory II