Friday, April 29, 2016

Yet More Praise

The Anti-Federalists were right: The pursuit of "national greatness" inevitably diminishes liberty and centralizes government. The U.S. Constitution did both, as Sheldon Richman demonstrates in this powerfully argued anarchist case against the blueprint for empire known as the U.S. Constitution. 
--Bill Kauffman, author, Forgotten Founder, Drunken Prophet: The Life of Luther Martin


  1. Is there a prize for being the first amazon reviewer? :)

    Just finished it last night. Nice job Sheldon. Added a couple of more books to my booklist from the sources you cited.

  2. Thanks, SB! Sorry, I have no prize to give, but a review would be much appreciated. :)

  3. The review is already up. Small blub, but maybe a little something to get the ball rolling.

  4. Thanks very much! I like what you said.
