Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Op-ed: Bangladeshi Workers Need Freed Markets

"Pro-sweatshop" is not a libertarian position. See why here.


  1. Bangladesh is far more "freed market" than the US or most places in the first world.

    "Freed markets" aren't a solution to anything. They're just a pass for corporate tyranny. Remove the government and corporations will just fill the void.

    BTW I'm perfectly aware that corporations benefit from subsidies and regulations, I'm just saying that they won't go away as soon as you pull the government out from under them.

  2. I think you're wrong. Corporate power is the most dangerous derivative -- it's derived from state power.

    Take a look at Markets Not Capitalism.

  3. Even if it were true (which I don't believe it is) that corporations would behave malignantly absent the state, there is no way that the increase in bad behavior by said corporations would come close to making up for the lack of evil committed by the state. So, even if Anonymous is correct, the "corporate tyranny" s/he fears would be a much better deal for the poor, middle class and honest rich than the present system. As I believe Anonymous is very much mistaken a world in which we give up the state would be an even better proposition.
