Thursday, November 11, 2010

Reason TV and Me

When I was at Libertopia last month, Reason TV caught up with me. Here's the result.


  1. Some madman calling himself "The Commander" used the comments section there to write a raving patriotic anti-Obama manifesto. He also accuses the empty suit in chief of being a "Mmslim". What a "Mmslim" is, I have no idea. I think it is a skinny candy coated chocolate candy produced by the Mars corporation.

  2. Sheldon,

    Good interview. I've been trying to come up with areas in which "we" are more free. It would probably be best to look at the freedom of black Americans because they were the "least free" overall when white men were the "most free". Black people can marry who they want, own property and own guns. This list is not exhaustive. But all of these freedoms are subject to significant government control.
    Chattel slavery is dead and gone. However, it seems that the plantation has only changed forms. (and this goes for all Americans) Just because one is not confined to a small plot of land doesn't mean that they are not on a plantation. The slaves may be rich but, to borrow a phrase from Szasz, isn't that just "prettifying the plantation".

    All Americans now live under a central bank, Social Security, income taxation, occupational licensure, drug laws, gun laws, zoning, immigration laws, etc.

    Your thoughts.
