Wednesday, May 21, 2008

When Was the Last Time...

... a great inventor, scientist, intellectual, or entrepreneur got wall-to-wall coverage on cable television at word of his or her death or diagnosis of a terminal illness? Why does this happen only with politicians? It's just the media's subtle way of conveying their worldview that nothing is more important in life than the state and its "statesmen." Disgusting.


  1. Why does this happen only with politicians?

    Because they're our gods. Didn't you get the memo?

  2. Actually, it also happens with "celebrities" like Anna Nicole Smith.

  3. Oh yes. If there's a sexual angle. It didn't happen with Frank Sinatra or George Harrison. It did happen with the Pope, but he's part politician, I guess.

  4. "Oh yes. If there's a sexual angle."

    I suppose the inventor of the dildo would get media attention then. Too bad he (she?) died in the Paleolithic.
